It is the gift of her unpeeling the projections of others on her. They had sat around her body like heavy veils, blanking out the sunshine, making her existance heavy & dreary.
One by one, she's stripping off the old clothing of expectations of how she should be , who she should be. In her emergence, she's upsetting the apple cart, forcing others around her to shift, take responsibility, own back their projections that they dumped on her. She is so done with complying so that others feel comfortable.
They know they have no power over her when their rewards for her compliance do not lure her anymore. She will not be cramped or constricted for anything. She will be free.
She is enjoying the power of her spontaneity because it connects her with Spirit, and when Spirit bursts forth through her, it transforms the worn out, tattered beliefs, thought patterns & habitual actions. The old dies to the new. Spontaneity always brings inspiration, freshness & new life.
Here she stands, unpeeled and free!
Sukhvinder Sircar