What is tantra?
The Secrets of Tantra in 86 Words.
tantra is all-embracing
tantra is yoga from the roots
tantra is the heart and practice of yoga
tantra is not the yoga of sex
tantra is the yoga of everything
tantra is spiritual ecology
tantra is duality and nonduality hand-in-hand
tantra is engaging the world with our spirit still shining
tantra says attraction is the law of the universe
tantra sees everything as sacred
tantra is cosmic union
tantra is worldly union
tantra is seeing spirit in everything
tantra is yoga
yoga is tantra
-Ramesh Bjonnes
originally posted on www.elephantjournal.com
tantra is all-embracing
tantra is yoga from the roots
tantra is the heart and practice of yoga
tantra is not the yoga of sex
tantra is the yoga of everything
tantra is spiritual ecology
tantra is duality and nonduality hand-in-hand
tantra is engaging the world with our spirit still shining
tantra says attraction is the law of the universe
tantra sees everything as sacred
tantra is cosmic union
tantra is worldly union
tantra is seeing spirit in everything
tantra is yoga
yoga is tantra
-Ramesh Bjonnes
originally posted on www.elephantjournal.com
Looking for more?

Click here for a great article on tantra by Grace Welker